Managed Services can be generically defined as running a service for a customer by a vendor on the agreed outcome measured as Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a fixed price. Certain components of managed service (typically in the application development scenario) could be variable in nature and priced using hourly rate card. The service is managed by the vendor pro-actively with minimal management overhead of the customer. The service is applicable to applications, infrastructure or both
Benefits for the Customer
Primetech’s Managed Services offers a ‘win-win’ proposition for both the customer and Primetech.
Customers are increasingly moving from staff augmentation to Managed Services to derive the following benefits:
Gain access to best of breed tools at a reduced cost
Free up management bandwidth to focus on core business
Enable improvement in processes by leveraging the mature processes of the vendor
Enable creation of Knowledge Management framework